For a key to the grammatical abbreviations and symbols used in this analysis, see the Abbreviations page.

A Tragedy Following a Landslide (Narrative text)

Told by Ibrohim

(1) guʃ=ɑg kən, ni bob ʃahkamon=i ded idibeg,
ear=İNTNS do.NPST.İMP 1SG.GEN1 grandfather Shahkamon=LNK father Idibeg

idibeg=i mom nu sola vəd-ɑg kʲe iki sil itɑ.
Idibeg=LNK grandmother nine years.old COP.PST-PRF that this landslide come.PST.PRF

‘Listen well, my grandfather Shahkamon’s father Idibeg, Idibeg’s grandmother was nine years old when this landslide came.’

(2) ni bob ʃahkamon χi ðoʁd=ra naql kja.
1SG.GEN1 grandfather Shahkamon REFL.GEN1 daughter=DAT narration do.PST.PRF

‘My grandfather Shahkamon narrated (this story) to his daughter.’

(3) wanda=an uvd χod͡ʒagi vəd-ɑ,
here=3PL.AGR seven household COP.PST-PRF

uvd χod͡ʒagi=jan vəd-ɑ, nəjad-ɑ=ai ʒ=if.
seven household=3PL.AGR COP.PST-PRF, grasp.PST-PRF=3SG.AGR ACC=3PL

‘There were seven households here; there were seven households, it (the landslide) carried them off.’

(4) bu t͡sui miθ=ama χo ənda t͡ʃəx kʲeʁd-ɑ.
then three day=with IMPF there rooster crow.PST-PRF

‘For three days a rooster had crowed there (i.e. at the site of the disaster).’

(5) bu wu odam ʃəd-ɑ, nak du t͡ʃəx=i ləv=ai xəd-ɑ,
then a person go.PST-PRF exactly the rooster=LNK voice=3SG.AGR hear.PST-PRF

ʃəd-ɑ, kəxt-ag=ai wu d͡ʒənda,
go.PST-PRF look.PST-PRF=3SG.AGR a place

wu d͡ʒənda ow=ai ənkʲo, ow=u ənkʲo.
a place open=3SG.PROX.AGR thus open=3SG.DİST.AGR thus

‘Then a man went out, he went right to where he heard the rooster’s voice; he looked and a place is open like this, is open like this.’

(6) ən du, du owai pɑn=ai kəxt-ɑ
e the the opening path=3SG.AGR look.PST-PRF

ən darən=da ʁa, wu awrat=a χi kudak=ra dot ðað-d.
in inside=IND now, a woman=IND REFL=GEN1 child=DAT breast give.NPST-3SG.AGR

‘He looked through the opening; inside it now a woman is breastfeeding her child.’

(7) tiz itɑ dər qəʃloq kʲe odam-en χabur kʷən-in.
quickly come.PST.PRF in village that person-PL news do.NPST-1SG.AGR

‘He came quickly to the village, (thinking to himself) “I will inform people.”’

(8) du awrat dəm=i kudak qatai nad͡ʒot ðað-in, nəmət͡ʃ-in.
the woman 3SG.PROX.F=GEN1 child with rescue give.NPST-1PL.AGR, take.out.NPST-1SG.AGR

‘“I will rescue the woman with her child, I will get (them) out.”’

(9) itɑ, odam-en=ai χabur kjɑ.
come.PST.PRF person-PL=3SG.AGR news do.PST.PRF

‘He came, he informed people.’

(10) to odam-en=an ʃəd-ɑ kʲe du bawən…
till person-PL=3PL.AGR go.PST-PRF that the hole

ve ma wai nak kəp ma wai ðad-ɑ jo ʃtu kʲe,
again on 3SG.DIST.M.ERG exactly rock on 3SG.DIST.M.ERG hit.PST-PRF or how that

bijant-ɑ=əf, maʃ=əf na-vig-ɑ.
lose.PST-PRF=3PL more=3PL.AGR NEG-find.PST-PRF

‘By the time the people wentthe hole… a rock had hit it again or something—they were lost, they didn’t find them again.’

(11) bad=i t͡sui miθ du t͡ʃəx=i kʲeʁ-ad͡ʒ d͡ʒa bid-ɑ.
after=LNK three day the rooster=LNK crow.NPST-İNF also get.LOST.PST-PRF

‘After three days the rooster’s crowing had also been lost.’
