For a key to the grammatical abbreviations and symbols used in this analysis, see the Abbreviations page.

Preparing a Greenhouse (Procedural text)

(1) zgʲamigʲai laf-in?
Yazghulami say.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘Should I speak Yazghulami?’

(2) ana bahor=da kʲi mit, ozər bahor mad,
you.see spring=IND that become.NPST.3SG.AGR now spring become.PST

moχ=ta χi=ra pɑrnik kən-əm, pɑrnik.
1PL.NOM=IND REFL=DAT greenhouse do.NPST-1PL.AGR, greenhouse

‘You see, when spring comes—it’s become spring now—we prepare ourselves a greenhouse; a greenhouse.’

(3) kʲan-əm=da ənkʲo.
plant.NPST-1PL.AGR=IND thus

‘We dig it like this.’

(4) razgʲ=da kən-əm.
straight=IND do.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We make it straight.’

(5) seχ=ta joʁa wəj-əm.
stick=IND like.this place.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We place sticks like this.’

(6) toχm=da var-əm.
seed=IND bring.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We bring seeds.’

(7) ʃat=a var-əm.
dirt=IND bring.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We bring soil.’

(8) χeχ=ta daj-əm.
water=IND hit.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We pour water.’

(9) toχm=da ɣaf-əm.
seed=IND sprinkle.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We sprinkle seeds.’

(10) ʃture=da ʃat daj-əm.
over=IND dirt hit.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We spread soil over it.’

(11) bad kəljonka=da var-əm.
then plastic.sheeting=IND bring.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘Then we bring plastic sheeting.’

(12) bawij-əm=da.

‘We cover it.’

(13) t͡ʃakʲ=ta bawij-əm, am ʒidre am ʒdabre.
closed=IND cover.NPST-1PL.AGR also this.side also that.side

‘We cover it tightly, both on this side and on that side.’

(14) du kəljonka=da xʷið kəxt.
the plastic.sheeting=IND sweat do.NPST.3SG.AGR

‘The plastic sheeting sweats.’

(15) bad seχ=ta zaz-əm, ʁawaz.
then stick=IND take.NPST-1PL.AGR switch

‘Then we take a stick, a switch.’

(16) bad-əm=da sarai.
go.NPST-1PL.AGR=IND morning

‘We go in the morning.’

(17) kuχ=ta ʒ=wai daj-əm.

‘We tap it.’

(18) du χeχ=ta bat.
the water go.NPST.3SG.AGR

‘The water falls.’

(19) avriz=a mit.
wet=IND become.NPST.3SG.AGR

‘It becomes wet.’

(20) abu=da du pəjeg sin-t.
then=IND the onion sprout.NPST-3SG.AGR

‘Then the onions sprout.’

(21) pamidor=da sin-t.
tomato=IND sprout.NPST-3SG.AGR

‘The tomatoes sprout.’

(22) sin-t=a, bad bilikʲai=da ʒ=wai kən-əm.
sprout.NPST-3SG.AGR=IND then seedling=IND ACC=3SG.DIST.M do.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘It sprouts, then we gather the seedlings.’

(23) wɑð=a χrax-əm, wɑð=a χrax-əm kʲetman=ama.
furrow=IND pull.NPST-1PL.AGR furrow=IND pull.NPST-1PL.AGR shovel=with

‘We dig furrows, we dig furrows with a shovel.’

(24) χeχ=ta kən-em.
water=IND do.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘We water it.’

(25) du bilikʲai=da var-əm, nəmət͡ʃ-əm=da.
the seedling=IND bring.NPST-1PL.AGR take.out.NPST-1PL.AGR=IND

‘We bring the seedlings; we dig them up.’

(26) seχ=ta zaz-əm, niðan-əm=da.
stick=IND take.NPST-1PL.AGR seat.NPST-1PL.AGR=IND

‘We take a stick; we plant them.’

(27) niðan-əm=da wɑð ba wɑð.
seat.NPST-1PL.AGR=IND furrow to furrow

‘We plant them furrow by furrow.’

(28) bu=da χeχ kən-əm, χeχ=ta dər wai kən-əm.
then=IND water do.NPST-1PL.AGR water=IND in 3SG.DIST.M.ERG do.NPST=1PL.AGR

‘Then we water them, we put water on them.’

(29) oista oista=da qad kəxt.
slowly slowly=IND height do.NPST.3SG.AGR

‘Little by little it grows.’

(30) bad ʃawag=da kən-əm.
then weed=IND do.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘Then we do the weeding.’

(31) bu=da u mit pamidor, balgari, zardak, kapust.
then=IND 3SG.DIST.NOM become.NPST.3SG.AGR tomato, pepper, carrot, cabbage

‘Then it becomes tomatoes, peppers, carrots, cabbage.’

(32) kʲar-əm=da, na ʒ=wai=da bu χi=ra

awqot kən-əm, kartəʃka, zardak, balgari.
food do.NPST-1PL.AGR potato, carrot, pepper

‘We plant, from it we then make food for ourselves, potatoes, carrots, peppers.’

(33) ana naʒ wai=da χi=ra moχ hosil zaz-əm.
you.see from 3SG.DIST.M.ERG=IND REFL=DAT 1PL.NOM harvest take.NPST-1PL.AGR

‘You see, from it we get a harvest for ourselves.’
