The following list explains the symbols and abbreviations used in the grammatical analysis and interlinearized texts provided on this site.
Symbol/Abbreviation | Meaning |
– | affix boundary |
= | clitic boundary |
[] | constituent boundaries |
* | ungrammatical |
*(X) | ungrammatical if X is omitted |
(*X) | ungrammatical if X is inserted |
1 | first person |
2 | second person |
3 | third person |
ACC | accusative |
AGR | subject agreement |
AUX | auxiliary |
COP | copula |
DAT | dative case |
DIST | distal |
ERG | ergative |
EXPL | expletive |
F | feminine |
GEN1 | genitive 1 case (attributive possession) |
GEN2 | genitive 2 case (predicative possession) |
IMP | imperative |
IPFV | imperfective |
IND | non-past indicative mood |
INF | infinitive |
INTNS | intensifier |
LNK | izofat linker |
M | masculine |
NEG | negative |
NOM | nominative |
NP | noun phrase |
NPST | non-past tense (present and future) |
OBL | oblique |
PL | plural |
PP | prepositional or postpositional phrase |
PRF | perfect |
PROX | proximal |
PST | past tense |
PTCP | participle |
REDUP | reduplicated form |
REFL | reflexive |
REL.LNK | relative clause linker |
SG | singular |